006 - Benjamin Amiri - Dedication, being there in the scene, and direct and kind coaching

Benjamin Amiri

Benjamin Amiri

Benjamin Amiri began his improv career at free Irony City workshops in 2008 and his blossomed into a talented player, sought-after coach and introspective articulator about his work. Ben has been a member of the Steel City Improv Theater house teams The Up & Up, Field Trip and Well Known Strangers as well as a number of independent teams and coach of Hotel Nowhere and Yeah Those Guys.

I talk with Ben about getting interested in improv as a professional engineer, then diving in hard, being intensely present in his scenes, and his uniquely wonderful coaching style that is focused on positivity and support but not at the expense of a strong motivation for quality.


Thanks to Omar Ornelas for audio production, Aaron Tarnow for live tech and the Steel City Improv Theater for hosting the show. 

Music in the podcast:

Don't miss Talking Shop next month on October 20 at 9pm at our new home at Arcade Comedy Theater. I'll be talking to Jethro Nolen!