Gray Matter: A new show series starting this Friday

I am starting a new show series inspired by Messing with a Friend

In her show, Susan Messing performs each week with some of her famous and talented friends. 

In this show, I perform when I can with some people who are kind of well known in Pittsburgh improv circles. 

I think it's going to be really fun.

Here's my spiel:

Grey Matter is distributed throughout the brain, taking the lion's share of its oxygen and controlling muscles, sensory perception, memory, emotions and speech. Gray Matter features veteran improv performer, coach and teacher Brian Gray performing with a variety of top talent from all over Pittsburgh, using all of those key functions to breathe life into characters created before your very eyes. This month's guest is Woody Drennan! 

Come see Woody and I do some improv together this Friday at 10pm. We are opening for what promises to be a really amazing play staring Ayne Terceria that was featured in the Pittsburgh New Works Festival.

What?! Right, I know.